Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dr. Mohebi, Los Angeles Hair Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Mohebi, A Los Angeles Hair Transplant Surgeon:
One of the local Los Angeles Magazines just published an article titled “Treat your depression with hair transplant”. Yes, it is true and is based on the new released result of Dr. Mohebi’s study on psychology of hair transplant. Dr. Mohebi is medical director of US Hair Restoration. Dr. Parsa Mohebi is a fellowship trained hair restoration surgeon. He finished his hair restoration surgery fellowship with Dr. William Rassman, one true pioneer of modern hair transplant techniques.
Dr. Mohebi has studied in depth different psycho-social aspects of men who undergo hair transplant surgery for treatment of their hair loss. Dr. Mohebi has performed several other studies on the techniques of hair restoration. Dr. Parsa Mohebi is a performing hair restoration surgery in his Encino office in Los Angeles California.
Dr. Mohebi uses follicular unit transplantation for the best cosmetic result. Dr. Mohebi is a true believer of “being bald is an option now”. The goal of Dr. Mohebi and his experienced team is restoring more than just hair. Their quality hair transplant surgeries have returned hope to many men who are suffering from hair loss and its emotional scars.

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