Monday, March 31, 2008

Hair Loss Q&A

Hair Loss Q&A: "Finansteride, Minoxidil Or Both

I generally prescribe finasteride to most of my patients who have significant miniaturization whether they are getting hair transplants or not. There are several studies on using Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) as single therapy and in combination with each other or with other medications.

Comparing minoxidil and finasteride for treatment of male pattern baldness clearly shows that treatment with only finasteride is more effective than treatment with only minoxidil. Combination of finasteride with minoxidil and with some other medications shows improved outcome, but the rate of improvement is not significant enough that I can convince myself to prescribe combination therapy to all my patients for the rest of their lives, considering difficulty of using topical minoxidil (topical spreading of medication twice a day on the balding area of scalp).

Parsa Mohebi
: If you want to do everything possible to prevent or slow down further hair loss and may"

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