Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beverly Hills Hair Transplant Office of US Hair Restoration

US Hair Restoration a Los Angeles hair transplant clinic announced the opening of its new Beverly Hills hair transplant clinic. It is said that continuation of opening the clinic in Beverly Hills follows the same trend of demand from the patients requiring a Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeon was the reason behind considering the option of having a hair transplant clinic in Beverly Hills. In our Beverly Hills Hair Restoration center, we perform free hair loss consultation for men and women. USHR offer a comprehensive hair loss evaluation including the microscopic evaluation of the scalp and hair.
Beverly Hills hair transplant office of USHR collaborates with a team of cosmetic surgeons including a cosmetic dermatologist, a plastic surgeon and a facial cosmetic surgeon. We hope that Beverly Hills office of US Hair Restoration can increase our accessibility for the patients in Century City, Holly Wood, downtown LA, Santa Monica, Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisade and many other locations in Southern California who would need quality hair loss treatments from a good hair transplant surgeon.