Beverly Hills Hair Transplant

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Beverly Hills and Robotic Hair Restoration

Some doctors brought robotic hair transplant in their practices for hair restoration in Beverly Hills area.  Is Robot going to be as effective and precise as human eyes, or even better.  That is somethig that only time can answer.

We will be watching the studies involved with Robotic hair transplant and keep our viewers updated at that subject.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dr. Parsa Mohebi Review

Here is what we heard from a hair restoration patient recently. Hair Transplant Cost has been a matter of importance in the last few year due to the economic changes. There has been an article in L.A. Times article that people may have been hesitant to do cosmetic surgeries in our current economy. However, some doctors are still doing good and their practices have not been affected by recession.

I had to do some research on a good hair transplant doctor. I found Dr. Parsa Mohebi in online reviews. His institute, US Hair Restoration is known for quality work and their goal has always been, “offering quality hair transplant for everyone”. That means quality and affordability at the same time.

They had summer special with their standby program when I went to see them. For those of you who are seriously considering getting a hair transplant procedure, the best time to get one is when they have this reduced-price offer. It might not be available with a better economy so recession might not be too bad for some of us!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Beverly Hills Hair Loss Treatment

Here is another question answered by Dr. Mohebi, the Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeon in his hair restoration blog. This question comes from a 27 year old patient asking about an atypical hair loss. Here is what she asks: I am suffering from scarring alopecia from last 10 years. Initially I have 4-5 very small patches, but now they have increased gradually, these patches are very smooth and of red color. I never feel and pain, burn or sever itching on my scalp, but many times I feel sensation under my scalp area and on my face, it is just like something is moving.
Patient has used many different treatments and see many doctors who were in the fields of, dermatology, homeopathy, and Indian traditional treatments, but none of these have worked for her.
The condition, scarring alopecia (Cicatricial Alopecia or CC) is applied to a wide range of skin disorders. Inflammatory condition of the skin is usually present that causes destruction of the hair follicles. Biopsy of the scalp is generally needed to establish the diagnosis. Treatment options are different based on the exact microscopic diagnosis. In many cases the treatment of cicatricial alopecia is difficult and a complete recovery may not be achievable with medical treatments.
Some hair transplant surgeons operated on these patients trying to give them hair transplants for the treatment of cicatricial alopecia for those who have a healthy donor hair with limited success. In some cases the process of the disease may flare up and stimulate losing patient’s original hair along with the transplanted ones. I usually obtain a scalp biopsy from patients who have atypical patterns of baldness to role our cicatricial alopecia before planning for a hair restoration surgery in our Beverly Hills and Hair Restoration Clinic.
Dr. Mohebi a Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeon has recommended fining a good dermatologist and stick with his or her plan. You need to understand that the treatment of cicatricial alopecia might be long and a complete recovery might not be achievable in many patients.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beverly Hills Hair Transplant Surgeon

Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeon Dr. Parsa Mohebi was featured on Beverly Hills Courier Magazine. The article that was published was titled “Surgeon Restores Patients’ Hair, Self-Confidence” went over doctor Mohebi’s extensive research on technical aspects of hair transplant surgery as well as consideration of psychological and social aspects of hair restoration on men’s lives.

Dr. Parsa Mohebi, the medical director of US Hair Restoration stated that with the new techniques of hair restoration, creating totally undetectable results is easily obtainable. US Hair Restoration is located at Los Angeles, California, but it is also considered a national hair transplant service by accepting patient’s from other major cities including Manhattan, New York, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco San Diego and many other metropolitan areas.

Below is a summary of the article in which psychological impacts of hair restoration on men was discussed in more details. Some of the new methods for hair transplants were also explored. Many of these techniques are used for celebrity hair transplants in Beverly Hills and Hollywood.

The article said that it is obvious that nothing looks better than a full head of hair, and one of the best people to provide it is Dr. Parsa Mohebi, medical director of US Hair Restoration.

Mohebi specializes in several hair transplantation methods:

  1. Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT) , which is known as the gold standard of hair-transplant surgery, Mohebi said, giving very natural results. A strip of donor scalp skin is removed and the follicles are harvested under microscopes and distributed in the bald area in the natural direction and orientation.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), also called non-invasive hair-restoration surgery, uses special biopsy devices to extract individual follicular units without having to remove a strip of skin; so there is no linear scar.
  3. Mohebi also specializes in eyebrow transplants for both men and women.
  4. As testament to his skills, he also repairs bad or “pluggy” transplants, performed by other doctors. “We do several repair hair transplant surgeries a month,” he says.

Dr. Mohebi, Los Angeles hair transplant doctor spends an hour with each new patient and does a microscopic evaluation of the scalp so called miniaturization study on every one to predict the hair loss. “That way we’re not limited to the obviously bald areas, but we can transplant hair to where the patient may lose hair in the future. With the technology we have now, there’s no reason for anyone to experience hair loss.”

As a fellowship-trained hair-transplant surgeon, Dr. Parsa Mohebi continues research the latest high-transplant techniques and his articles have been presented and published in both national and international medical-society publications.

The article continues with discussing the published research on the psychology of hair transplant in men, which was finished last year: Dr. Mohebi’s latest article was the cover story for Hair Transplant Forum International, considered the most important journal in the field of hair restoration, on The Psychology of Hair Transplants. From research in Europe, we know that people with hair loss are prone to anxiety, depression and other psychological problems; we tried to see if we can reverse that with hair restoration surgery.

Los Angeles hair transplant doctor, Dr. Mohebi evaluated 200 patients after surgery in eight criteria, and saw improvements with FUT in terms of happiness, youthfulness, energy levels, self-esteem and self confidence, future outlook and impact on their career and sex life. The results were amazing and improvements in all eight criteria were statistically significant. The authors, Dr. Mohebi and Dr. Rassman concluded that using the new techniques of hair restoration patient can drastically improve all of the psycho-social impacts of hair loss.

The reporter then set aside US Hair restoration and Dr. Mohebi from many other major Los Angeles hair transplant clinics and LA and Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeons by several factors such as following the latest standards of hair restoration surgery in the rapidly progressing field of hair restoration surgery. What was done five years ago is not acceptable today. We have the most experienced technicians; and everything is done under microscopes to get the highest yield of hair.

Then there’s the customer service. “The day of the hair transplant procedure is a big day for patients,” Mohebi said, “often six to eight hours. Patients are usually amazed at how smooth and pleasant the day is. For US Hair Restoration every hair transplants are celebrity hair transplants.

The affordable hair transplant surgery at US Hair Restoration has made it possible to get inexpensive hair transplant in Los Angeles with the highest quality.

Since the newly placed follicles are so fragile, patients return the next day to get their hair washed professionally at one of the California hair transplant offices, given special shampoo and taught how to take care of their hair at home. “After five days, no special care is needed,” Mohebi said.

At ten days after the surgery, patients return to have the donor site checked and staples removed for those who had them. Hair starts growing after three months, and is long enough to style and comb after ten to twelve months. The third follow up visit is at eight to ten months after the procedure.

Severe baldness may require more than one surgery, generally spaced at least six months apart. “With megasession hair transplants we can do 4,000 grafts in one day, which includes around 8000 hair follicles. That significant number is a great help to patients with a high class of baldness. We can get a higher stage of restoration with fewer sessions of transplants.”

Continuing to pioneer in the field, Dr. Mohebi is the inventor of the Laxometer, a device to measure the laxity or mobility of the scalp. Laxity of the scalp is key in determining the size of the donor strip so that enough can be removed for bigger cases, and the wound can be closed without too much tension and the scaring will be minimal.

To help people stay abreast of all that’s happening the field of hair restoration, and to answer questions (he’s heard from Europe and China) Dr. Mohebi maintains a hair restoration blog.

Parsa Mohebi, Medical director of US Hair Restoration

Beverly Hills, Dr. Mohebi, Eyebrow hair transplant, follicular unit extraction, fue, fut, hair transplant, hair transplant surgery, laxometer, Los Angeles, mega session hair transplant, megasession, Parsa Mohebi, us hair restoration

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beverly Hills Hair Transplant Office of US Hair Restoration

US Hair Restoration a Los Angeles hair transplant clinic announced the opening of its new Beverly Hills hair transplant clinic. It is said that continuation of opening the clinic in Beverly Hills follows the same trend of demand from the patients requiring a Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeon was the reason behind considering the option of having a hair transplant clinic in Beverly Hills. In our Beverly Hills Hair Restoration center, we perform free hair loss consultation for men and women. USHR offer a comprehensive hair loss evaluation including the microscopic evaluation of the scalp and hair.
Beverly Hills hair transplant office of USHR collaborates with a team of cosmetic surgeons including a cosmetic dermatologist, a plastic surgeon and a facial cosmetic surgeon. We hope that Beverly Hills office of US Hair Restoration can increase our accessibility for the patients in Century City, Holly Wood, downtown LA, Santa Monica, Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisade and many other locations in Southern California who would need quality hair loss treatments from a good hair transplant surgeon.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Rare Hair Losses and Beverly Hills Hair Transplant

The hair loss condition, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia or CCCA is one of the less common causes of balding that needs hair loss treatment. This medical condition, which characterizes with circular balding, mainly on the top (vertex and crown) which can be expanding and only leave a rim or hair around the scalp with total baldness in the more central areas in extreme cases (see picture).
The causes of this type of balding are now quite known. Here at US Hair Restoration a Los Angeles Hair Transplant Center we see CCCA on an occasional basis. This disease used to be called with different names such as hot comb alopecia, follicular degeneration syndrome, pseudopelade in African Americans and central elliptical pseudopelade in Caucasians. Microscopic evaluation of the hair loss areas shows evidences of inflammation in the area of disease activity, chronic and rapidly progressive skin changes with eventual complete baldness in some part of the scalp with its unique pattern.
This hair loss condition could be started with the evidences of skin inflammation (redness and itching), but this phase might be temporary and patient may not have any signs or symptoms other than hair loss with its specific pattern. Routine medical treatment of hair loss with finasteride (Propecia) or Minoxidil (Rogaine) are generally not beneficial.
Treatment of this condition could be challenging. Treatment with medications is generally not successful in prevention of the hair loss and to reverse the process. Hair transplant surgery could be an option, but it could not be done in the acute phase of the disease. Hair transplant surgeon need to consider hair restoration surgery for Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia when the active phase is over and when the inflammation is completely subsided. I would like to do a small test hair transplant before committing to the actual hair transplant surgery to be assured of the survival of the hair grafts.
This post was extracted from Hair Restoration Blog, a hair loss question and answer web log.

Parsa Mohebi

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Los Angeles Hair Transplant surgeon: How to pick one?

Detailed search for a good Los Angeles hair transplant surgeon may not be an easy task. Los Angeles has always been the referral center for most cosmetic surgeries. Hair transplant surgery is one of the newer branches of cosmetic surgery. You can find a wide variety in style and levels of Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeons. Some of the most updated hair transplant surgeons practice in Los Angeles and San Diego, California, but you can also see lousy surgeries done by some hair transplant surgeons. Overall, hair restoration surgery like any other cosmetic surgery is a buyer’s beware market and one must be careful not to fall into the trap of signs such as Number one Beverly Hills hair transplant surgeon or the most experienced Los Angeles hair transplant surgeon. You can see similar advertisements and a lot more like Extreme make over hair transplant surgeon or doctor 90210.
The good news is that today, most hair transplant surgeons have free initial consultation. You have to take advantage of this situation and shop around. It is your look and you need to live with it for the rest of your life after all. It is not enough to visit several hair transplant doctors; you also need to educate yourself on hair transplantation process, surgical techniques and hair transplant surgeon’s background before visiting the doctor. This way, you can appreciate a good technique and knowledgeable doctor when you see one. US Hair Restoration – a Los Angeles hair transplant surgery center offers free physician consultation for everyone.
Los Angeles is Hollywood and when in Hollywood look is everything. Modern hair transplant surgery with undetectable results has become a demanding field in Southern California in last few years both because of the number of people looking for hair restoration surgery and the ones looking for the best hair transplant surgeon in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Southern California over all. Many people travel the world to get their hair transplant surgery done in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills. Los Angeles is and will always be the Mecca of hair transplant surgery for people who cannot accept anything but the best.